подготовь рекламу своего продукта без моделей и фотостудий
I create 3D clothes for 3+ years. My education — clothing designer, tailor, motion designer and teacher. I create 3D clothing and its simulation using ready-made character animations. I devote my free time to mastering compositing, sound design and visual techniques of product design.
3D visualization of clothes according to your sketch or pattern
preliminary assessment of the design of a model or an entire clothing collection before physical production
reducing financial expenses and time spent on sewing physical samples
searching for the best design solution (easily changing prints, colors, fabrics, proportions and others)
marketing (fill out product cards, catalogs, replace photo/video shoots)
digital art, fantasy fashion design that doesn’t exist in real life
trying on digital clothes on a photograph of a person
online sales by pre-order
attracting the attention of potential clients through advertising using 3D
reducing negative environmental footprint, eco-positioning, caring for the environment
It all depends on your imagination and needs. This tool is limitless.
High-quality renderings (images) of your designs from different angles and the required resolution (PNG format with transparent background, dpi/ppi 72 or 300)
It involves using your patterns for sewing (if available) or creating close to ready-made patterns (these patterns are not intended for physical sewing). The shape of the model is completely identical to the real sample and takes into account the physical properties of the fabric
to achieve a high level of realism, all details of 3D clothing (seams, edges, folds, darts, etc.) are worked out
high quality textures with 4K resolution are created
adjusting the lighting to achieve realism
rendered images are generated in PNG format with the ability to print (if necessary)
high-quality PNG format images of your design
project with a 3D model of your design (zprj format), 3D model (obj/fbx format) with uv-maps and textures (if necessary)
the cost is determined individually, taking into account capabilities, budget, and preferences. Typically, the cost starts from 5000 RUB/50 USD
the more complex the model of the item and the more small details it has, the higher the cost of its 3D visualization
the timeframe for completion is around 2 days (depending on complexity and workload)
lace, denim, knitted patterns, embroidery, and fur are considered the most challenging in 3D visualization. It increases the cost of the work.
adding a personalized 3D avatar and visualizing clothing in a desired pose are additional features that also increase the cost of the work
Checking the fit of the product according to your ready-made patterns
ready-made patterns in DXF format without seam allowances
main dimensions of the person (chest, waist, hips circumferences, height, etc)
names of cut details, fabric name with characteristics (e.g. fabric density)
print image (if there’ll be printing)
checking the fit of patterns and designs allows for significant time and fabric in sewing experimental sample
ability to make adjustments that don’t affect the basic construction lines to eliminate repeated work in CAD systems and subsequent checks
opportunity to quickly test and select the best design
preparation of 3D digital avatar of the required size
loading patterns and sewing them
making adjustments with saving all necessary control points, creating new lines and control points
exporting patterns in DXF format
cost is determined individually, taking into account capabilities, budget and preferences. As usual, the cost starts from 1500 RUB/15 USD
timeframe for completion is usually around 1 day, depending on complexity and workload
3D video content with clothing design
demonstration of design or clothing collections before launching into production
presentation of your product in a high-quality and modern format for attracting investors, patent registration, etc
opportunity to tell your story, idea, brand culture
emotional impact on the viewer
possibility to generate interest through the uniqueness and memorability of the design
wide coverage and accessibility through social networks, websites and instant messengers
3D has enormous possibilities and allows you to realize any ideas. It’s important to determine where the video will be published (social networks, storefront, website, product catalogs, etc). It is recommended to create short videos with interesting unique designs and attractive presentation (10−15 sec). Several popular options:
360-degree rotation in a loop to demonstrate the design from all sides
demonstrating the design in motion (with 3D digital avatar who can become the face of the brand or without avatar), from catwalk to any other movements (sports, dance, etc)
static design with camera animations that allow you to show the design from any desired angles
3D clothing modeling and texturing
simulation of 3D clothing (if necessary)
creating 3D avatar (if necessary) and its animation
creating a scene
setting up lighting and cameras, camera animation
rendering, compositing
adding sound effects and music
The cost is determined individually, taking into account capabilities, budget, and preferences. Typically, the cost starts from 15.000 RUB/150 USD
DECIPRALAND. The Singularity is the third digital art exhibition within the framework of the CIPR conference, showcasing innovative and experimental works by digital artists.
Digital exhibition of Soviet fashion "Beauty requires 2.0. History of Soviet fashion" in the Zarenkov Gallery art space
Winners of the XIV and XV International Competition of Young Designers and Stylists "Podium | A New Look", Laureate 1st degree
Admiralty Needle International Contest of Young Designers Saint-Petersburg, 2023